21. Data Details

In MQC there are different ways to retrieve detailed information from the imported data:

  • Data Details Drill Down from quality measures to the underlying data that was used to compute the quality,

  • Custom Pages to create project-specific pages for selected measures (quality as well as data) including targets.

21.1. Data Details Drill Down

The data details drill down functionality provided by MQC is the easiest way to track the underlying data, which was used to calculate a certain quality measure value as shown on the MQC Quality pages.

The drill down works by selecting the data of interest by either marking in the charts on a Quality page or by using the “Show Data Details” dialog in the left menu.

When on a Quality page clicking inside a chart results in a marking, which is then used to reduce the shown quality measures in other charts depending on the selection.

For the underlying data of quality, mark either

  • an arbitrary number of Quality Properties

  • an arbitrary number of Quality Bins in the Quality Bin Distribution chart

  • an arbitrary number of quality tiles within the QualityMatrix visualization on the Quality Status page or within the Quality Status on the Quality Sunburst page


The way how data is selected (KPIs or tiles) defines the data that is shown at the Data pages, see Data Selection for Drill Down.

After selecting the quality measures of interest, the menu item “Show Data Details” in the left menu is prepended with a petrol link button.


Figure 21.1 “Show Data Details” in left menu, when something is marked.

By clicking on the petrol link button the corresponding data page to the currently open quality page (e.g. Data Status for Quality Status) is opened and the metrics shown in the main visualizations are reduced to those used to calculate the selected quality measures.

Clicking on the menu item “Show Data Details” itself opens the “Data underlying the Quality” dialog, where the current marking is applied to the presented checkboxes. Here the selection can be changed independent from the marking and afterwards applied for the data drill down by clicking the “Show” button.


Figure 21.2 “Data underlying the Quality” dialog with only some Quality Properties and all Quality Bins checked.

21.1.1. Data Selection for Drill Down

Quality Bin Distribution

If one or more Quality Measure Bins are selected, MQC shows the data, which resulted in the selected quality bins.

Quality Properties

If one or more Quality Properties are selected, MQC shows the data, which was used to calculate the selected quality properties.

Quality Tile Selection

Each quality tile inside the Quality Matrix on the Quality Status page shows the quality measure for a particular quality property for a particular artifact.

The markable parts of the Quality Status on the Quality Sunburst page show Quality Properties and grouped Characteristics.

If one or multiple tiles are selected, MQC only shows the data, which was used to calculate exactly the selected quality property for the selected artifact.

21.1.2. Drill down to Data Trend

To drill down to data trend, move to the Quality Trend page, and select the data of interest, e.g. all acceptable (yellow) and bad (red) quality bins from the Quality Bin Distribution chart at the top of the page.


Figure 21.3 MQC Quality Trend page after marking acceptable and bad quality bins to reduce the main visualization to quality properties of interest.

The other visualizations immediately reduce the shown quality properties to those with an acceptable or insufficient quality per artifact. By hovering over the tiles the concrete quality value is shown.

Now click on the petrol button next to “Show Data Details” in the left menu.

MQC directly switches to the Data Trend page and reduces the visualization to the measures that were used to calculate the selected quality (see Figure 21.4).


Figure 21.4 MQC Data Details on Data Trend showing underlying data.

21.1.3. Drill down to Data Status

Instead of drilling down to data trend, MQC also supports to drill down to data status.

Switch to a Quality Status page (Quality Status, Quality Sunburst or Quality Heatmap), and select multiple artifacts as well as multiple quality properties.

The main visualization is limited based on your selection. The Quality Matrix visualization just shows qualities for selected artifacts and selected quality properties.


Figure 21.5 MQC Quality Status page just showing selected Quality Properties for selected Artifacts.

Now click on the petrol button next to “Show Data Details” in the left menu.

MQC directly switches to the Data Status page and reduces the visualization to those base and derived measures that were used to calculate each combination of the selected artifacts and quality properties (see Figure 21.6).


Figure 21.6 MQC Data Details on Data Status showing underlying data.

21.2. Custom Pages

Another option to look at the data in a detailed way is to create an arbitrary number of additional pages containing user-defined trend and status charts for selected measures, i.e. base measures, derived measures, as well as quality properties.

The way how to structure and to visualize the imported data to be analyzed in that way, is described in the Custom Pages chapter.