4.4. Settings


Figure 4.31 The settings dialog in MQC

4.4.1. Revision granularity

This setting defines the degree of compactions of the revisions for which data exists to better visualize your trend visualizations. The revision granularity can be selected depending on your needs.


Figure 4.32 The default revision granularity is Days, but it might be useful to change it to CalendarWeeks or Months

4.4.2. Calendar locale

The calendar locale definition shows the culture information that was used during the creation of the current project.

The formatting of dates in dialogs and the date range selection in the toolbar are based on the calendar locale.

The locale is also respected in the calulation of revision names, when the revision granularity is set to calendar weeks (see Revisions).


Figure 4.33 Select the calendar locale

If an MQC project is shared between areas with different locales, the calendar locale, which was initially determined during the creation of the project, is kept. This allows a consistent view on data and quality.

4.4.3. Context Categories

Per default the usage of Context Categories is disabled, hence, all data is expected and shown for all artifacts. To apply the context category configuration, enable this setting.

With context categories enabled, for each artifact only expected data is shown in all visualizations (see Figure 4.34). All other data is excluded (white areas of the matrix). By this, you can easily distinguish between not expected data and data that is really missing. (see context categories in Artifacts)


Figure 4.34 Availability Heatmap showing expected data (Context Categories enabled).

Additionally, only expected data is used for calculating quality for an artifact.

4.4.4. Propagation of data

MQC offers the feature to propagate data, that is missing at certain revisions, by using data previously imported instead of importing the data again.

The propagation can be enabled for the whole project, or as propagation between milestones. (see Data Propagation)

4.4.5. Diff for milestones

The Diff View (see diff-mode) shows the differences between revisions.

By selecting a milestone structure for “Diff for milestones”, an additional comparison is created that compares each revision to the last milestone of this structure.

The Diff base can be switched in the toolbar between the Revision and Milestone comparisons.


Figure 4.35 Toolbar with Diff Base next to View

4.4.6. Revisions without data

By default MQC hides all empty revisions, for which no data was imported.

This setting allows you to display these configured but empty revisions for all artifacts and measures within this project.

4.4.7. Target values in visualizations (Custom pages)

To make imported Target Values visible in the corresponding visualizations on custom pages (see Custom Pages), enable this setting.

Targets per measure are shown as:

  • separate dashed lines with the same color in trend visualizations

  • horizontal lines in status (bar) visualizations


Figure 4.36 Trend visualization showing a quality property with a corresponding target value


Figure 4.37 Status visualization showing measures with a corresponding target values

4.4.8. Measure values as labels in visualizations (Custom pages)

Value labels can be made visible for status and trend visualizations in custom pages. (see Custom Pages)


Figure 4.38 Trend visualization and Status visualization showing value labels

Enabled value labels are also included in the visualizations of a created report. In a Report value labels provide an alternative to the information that is normally only available via tooltips.

4.4.9. Milestone / Revision view for Data Details

By checking “Show all data details for a milestone” the revision selection on the data details page gets replaced with a milestone selection.

The status visualizations show all findings since the last milestone up and including to the selected milestone.

This setting is useful if the data was configured as incremental and the findings are therefore also only imported incrementally.

4.4.10. Keep the project up to date

  • by the server-side automation service

    MQC projects with this setting enabled and saved in the server library are updated periodically to fetch the latest data changes.

    Background server-side updates are only executed if new or changed data was detected. This ensures that all relevant projects are always kept up to date.

    See Update Projects on Server for details on how to add a job to the “Automation Services” on the MQC Server to periodically check and update MQC projects.

  • by a client-side automatic data refresh

    MQC projects open in the desktop client and web player use a background monitoring to detect changes in the data of the projects.

    While this setting is disabled, the user is informed of updates by a change in the Data Import State. The user can then update the project by clicking on the “Refresh Data” button provided there.

    While this setting is enabled, any change detected in the data results in a directly executed update of the project in the client, while the user is interrupted in his work and has to wait until the project has been updated.

4.4.11. Import data details

If Data Details are not disabled, they are imported by the DataSource adapters that can read findings. (at the moment only the MXAMmxmr Adapter supports reading findings)

  • Disabled

    Data Details are disabled.

    The DataSource Adapters do not import findings. The Data Details page and Data Details visualizations are not available.

  • On Demand

    Data Details will not be imported by default, but can be loaded on demand later.

    The Data Details visualizations show ‘Not Loaded’ findings, while the List shows a warning message, if data details have not been imported.

    By clicking on the Imported data details button, the data details to be imported can be configured with the combination of artifacts, datasources and revisions.


Figure 4.39 Imported Data Details Dialog

  • Last [Number] Revisions

    Data Details are imported and transformed for all artifacts for a number of the last revisions.

  • All

    Data Details are imported and transformed for all artifacts and all revisions.