8. Data Source Adapters

This chapter gives you an overview about which Data Sources are supported by MQC as base adapters.

The current release of MQC supports the following tools:

For the case there is no adapter, MQC puts at the user’s disposal the possibility of a manual import of Base Measures (see Manual data import for unsupported data sources (Excel Template)).

8.1. MES Model Examiner® (MXAM)

8.1.1. MXAM Data imported by MQC

MQC supports the standard MXAM report file (.mxmr).

The following example of an MXMR report describes which information is imported by MQC’s MXAM adapter to MQC:

  • from the <RReport> element, specifically the date element: ReportDateTime

  • from the <artifacts> element, the <properties key="modelname"> element: ArtifactName

MXAM provides guideline and finding result data for each artifact in the MXMR Report. Therefore, each artifact section will be parsed to get the information of the artifact result, model type and all findings and guideline results.

  <artifacts result="Review" adapterId="com.modelengineers.mxam.tooladapter.matlab" storageNature="Tool artifact">
  <properties key="modelname" value="ReportReviewSldemo_wheelspeed_absbrake" visible="true"/>
  <properties key="modeltype" value="MOD" visible="true"/>
  <properties key="dynamic" value="" visible="true"/><summary itemType="Findings">
    <statistic resultType="Review" count="3"/>
    <statistic resultType="Failed" count="66"/>
    <statistic resultType="Info" count="28"/>
    <statistic resultType="Passed" count="12"/>
    <statistic resultType="Ignored" count="2"/>
  </summary><summaries itemType="Guidelines">
    <statistic resultType="Review" count="1"/>
    <statistic resultType="Failed" count="5"/>
    <statistic resultType="Passed with Infos" count="24"/>
    <statistic resultType="Passed" count="11"/>

The adapter reads those measures to be found in the Findings and Guidelines header: <Summary itemType="Findings"> and <Summary itemType="Guidelines">. Please note that, an MXAM report can contain various artifacts and for each artifact MQC reads out the Findings and Guidelines Summary, that are saved as FindingCount and GuidelineCount, respectively:

  • Review

  • Failed

  • Info (for FindingCount) and Passed with Infos (for GuidelineCount)

  • Passed

  • Ignored

  • Aborted

  • Canceled

  • Repaired

  • Unrepaired

  • Warning (for FindingCount) and Warnings (for GuidelineCount)

To get more insight of how these Base Measures are processed to a measurement function, please refer to Quality Model for MXAM.


8.2.1. MXRAY Data imported by MQC

MQC supports the Standard XML MXRAY Report file.

The following information is extracted by the MQC/ MXRAY adapter:

  • from the <Timestamp> element

    • ReportDateTime

  • from the <SubsystemQualityOverview> header all included elements, usually these are:

    • Local Complexity

    • Level

    • %Elementary Inputs Unused (globally)

    • Cyclomatic Complexity

    • Inports

    • Outports

    For each of these Measures the variables Good, Acceptable and Bad are imported. Furthermore for Local Complexity the variables LowerBoundOfAcceptable and LowerBoundOfBad are read .

  • from the GlobalValueSummary element

    • Global Complexity (Ref0)

    • Global Complexity (Ref1)

    • Global Complexity (RefN)

  • from the CloneGroups element

    • NumberOfDetectedCloneGroups

    • NumberOfSubsystemsAnalyzed

    • NumberOfUniqueSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups

    • NumberOfSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups


In MQC CloneGroups.NumberOfUniqueSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups is shown as CloneGroups.Bad:

Bad = NumberOfUniqueSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups

Additionally CloneGroups.NumberOfSubsystemsAnalyzed is used together with CloneGroups.NumberOfUniqueSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups to calculate a value for CloneGroups.Good:

Good = NumberOfSubsystemsAnalyzed - NumberOfUniqueSubsystemsInAllCloneGroups

To get more insight of how these Base Measures are processed to a measurement function, please refer to Quality Model for M-XRAY.

8.3. MES Test Manager® (MTest)

8.3.1. MTest Data imported by MQC

The MQC-MTest adapter supports the MQC-XML format for MTest Report files.

The MTest XML report consists of one <DataEntryList> header, which contains several <DataEntry> elements, each of them containing all the information for one Base Measure and Artifact.

The following information is extracted by the MQC/MTest adapter:

  • from the <RevisionDate> element

    • ReportDateTime

  • from the <ArtifactNameOrAlias> element

    • ArtifactName

  • from the <DataSourceNameOrAlias> element the BaseMeasureName with its two variables (read out of the <DataSourceValue> element):

    • Absolute stored in MQC as Reached

    • Reference stored in MQC as Total

According to this pattern, from the <DataEntryList> element, the following Base Measures are imported with its respective variables (Reached and Total):

  • Assessment Work Progress

  • Model Condition Coverage

  • Model Decision Coverage

  • Requirements Compliance

  • Requirements with Reviewed Testability

  • Reviewed Assessments

  • Reviewed Test Sequences

  • Test Sequence Work Progress

  • Test Sequences Compliance

  • Testable Requirements with Assessments

  • Testable Requirements with Test Sequences

  • Testable Requirements

For the following Base Measures only exists one value that is stored in the variable Reached:

  • Total Assessments

  • Total Requirements

  • Total Test Sequences

To get more insight of how these Base Measures are processed to a measurement function, please refer to Quality Model for MTest.

8.4. PikeTec TPT

TPT is considered an (xml-based) external test tool for which an MQC adapter executes the following operations presented by the example of the following extract of an TPT example XML report:

<Header ExecutionConfig="Lights Control MATLAB" ExecutionDate="14:47:58 10.05.2016" TptFileName="D:\requirements.tpt" TptVersion="8u2">
  <Property Name="Model Under Test" Value="D:\matlab-platform\lights_control_simulink.mdl"/>
  <Property Name="System Under Test" Value="lights_control_simulink/lights_control"/>
  <Platform History="100" Name="MATLAB-Platform" Stepsize="10000" Timeout="60000000">
    <Property Name="MATLAB Version" Value="MATLAB 8.4"/>
</Header><Summary AssessmentDuration="2.518" ExecutionDuration="2.078">
  <ExecutionSummary Errors="0" Failed="6" Inconclusive="0" Succeeded="5" Tests="11"/>

MQC reads out

  • from the <Header.. > element

    • ExecutionDateTime (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

    • SystemUnderTest Value (stored in MQC as ArtifactName), in this case “lights_control_simulink/lights_control”. Please, note that TPT stores in the XML only the name (instead of the complete path) of the subsystem

  • from the <ExecutionSummary> element the categories

    • Tests (stored in MQC as TestCount.Total)

    • Succeeded (stored in MQC as TestCount.Succeeded)

    • Failed (stored in MQC as TestCount.Failed)

    • Errors (stored in MQC as TestCount.Errors)

    • Inconclusive (stored in MQC as TestCount.Inconclusive)

  <Property Name="System under Test" Value=""/>
  <Property Name="Revision" Value=""/>
  <Platform History="100" Name="C Platform" Stepsize="10000" Timeout="60000000">
    <Property Name="Platform Mapping" Value="&lt;none&gt;"/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="1.0" CoverageType="Function" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="0.29" CoverageType="Statement" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="0.29" CoverageType="Decision" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="0.16" CoverageType="Condition" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="0.21" CoverageType="MC/DC" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
    <CoverageData Coverage="0.18" CoverageType="Multicondition" ToolName="CTC++" ToolVersion=""/>
  • from the <Header><Platform> branch all <CoverageData> elements using the attribute CoverageType to distinguish

    • Function Coverage CTC.Ratio

    • Statement Coverage CTC.Ratio

    • Decision Coverage CTC.Ratio

    • Condition Coverage CTC.Ratio

    • MC/DC Coverage CTC.Ratio

    • Multicondition Coverage CTC.Ratio

  <Requirement Id="SPEC-12" Text="Functional requirements"/>
  <Requirement Id="SPEC-13" State="SUCCESS" Text="If light_switch is ON, then headlight shall immediately be ON."/>
<Testcases Number="11">
  <Testcase Description="..." Requirements="SPEC-6 SPEC-13"/>
<Assesslets Number="22">
  <Group Name="Assesslets">
    <Assesslet Id="1" Name="..." Requirements="SPEC-13"/>
  • from the <Requirements> element

    • Requirements Count.Total (total number of <Requirement> elements)

    • Requirements Count.Testable (number of requirements with attribute State)

    • Requirements Status.Passed (attribute State="SUCCESS")

    • Requirements Status.Failed (attribute State="FAILED")

    • Requirements Status.ExecutionError (attribute State="EXECUTION_ERROR")

    • Requirements Status.DontKnow (attribute State="DONT_KNOW")

    • Requirements Status.NotCovered (attribute State="NOT_COVERED")

    • Testable Requirements with Test Cases.Reached (number of requirements with attribute State and any reference in element <Testcases>)

    • Testable Requirements with Assesslets.Reached (number of requirements with attribute State and any reference in element <Assesslets>)

MQC offers an additional structuring element called Measurement (described in Section 6.1). Herewith, test results (same base measure and variable name) may be read for different contexts, e.g. MiL or SiL.

The measurement name is expected as part of the file name or read from the Name attribute of the <Platform> element. In both cases, MQC expects the following syntax: _SIL_ or _MIL_. If not existing, the configured default measurement name is taken (see Section 12.1).

8.5. Razorcat Tessy

From the extract of the Tessy Example XML report,

<report success="notok" tessy_version="4.0.15" xml_version="3">
<statistic notexecuted="0" notok="11" ok="54" total="65">
  <category count="54" name="ok"/>
  <category count="11" name="notok"/>
  <category count="0" name="notexecuted"/>
<info date="2018-08-23" time="16:20:30+0200"/><tessyobject id="1024" level="0" name="Testsuite" success="notok" type="project">

MQC reads

  • from the main (report) header:

    • tessy_version (stored in MQC as TessyReportVersion)

  • from the <statistics..> header the categories:

    • ok

    • notok

    • notexecuted.

  • from the <info..> header:

    • date and time (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

  • from the <tessyobject..> header:

    • name (stored in MQC as ArtifactName)

    • type (stored in MQC as TessyObjectType)

The Tessy data is imported to the transformed ValueFact table maintaining the same notation of the Tessy classification of ok, notok and notexecuted, yet assigning them to the BaseMeasure TestCount.

8.6. MathWorks Polyspace

8.6.1. Polyspace Xml-adapter

If a Polyspace Xml report is created, MQC reads out from the xml-file:

  • ReportDateTime: from element PubDateTime

  • ArtifactPath: from element Subtitle

  • ArtifactName: same as ArtifactPath

The xml-file refers to several xfrag-files in the Polyspace-doc directory to be found on the same level as the xml-file.

From the image-000-chapter.xfrag-file, MQC extracts

  • BaseMeasureName: from the title elements of the tables

  • VariableName: first entry element of each table body row

  • MeasureValue: second entry element of each table body row

  <title>Coding Rules Summary - MISRA-C Checker</title>
  <title>Run-Time Checks Summary</title>
      <row><entry>Number of Red Checks</entry><entry><emphasis role="red">2</emphasis></entry></row>
      <row><entry>Number of Gray Checks</entry><entry><emphasis role="gray">10</emphasis></entry></row>
      <row><entry>Number of Orange Checks</entry><entry><emphasis role="orange">13</emphasis></entry></row>
      <row><entry>Number of Green Checks</entry><entry><emphasis role="green">205</emphasis></entry></row>
  <title>Global Variable Summary</title>
      <row><entry>Used non-shared variable</entry><entry>51</entry></row>

The extracted data is then modified and transformed:

  • Number of Red Checks stored as Run-Time Checks.Major

  • Number of Gray Checks stored as Run-Time Checks.Minor

  • Number of Orange Checks stored as Run-Time Checks.Moderate

  • Number of Green Checks stored as Run-Time Checks.Good

  • Percentage of Proven stored as Run-Time Checks.Proven

  • Pass/Fail stored as Run-Time Checks.Pass_Fail

8.6.2. Polyspace Text-adapter

If a Polyspace tab-separated Text report is created, MQC reads from this txt-file:

  • ReportDateTime: time stamp of the last modification of the txt-file

  • ArtifactPath: extracted from File column (see below)

  • ArtifactName: same as ArtifactPath

  • BaseMeasureName: extracted from Family column

  • VariableName: extracted from Color column

  • MeasureValue: aggregated count per Color

To get the ArtifactPath, MQC extracts the file paths of all files used to create the report from the File column. MQC then obtains the common prefix from these file paths and takes the last directory from that prefix. This is stored as ArtifactPath.

For example if paths read from the “File” column are as follows:


In this example the common prefix is C:\workspace\W33\162R\02.ModelBasedDesign\WrapperInput\GlobalPosition and MQC extracts the last common directory GlobalPosition as the artifact path.

After reading the extracted data is then modified and transformed as follows:

  • If Family equals Run-time Check:

    • Color = Red is stored as Run-Time Checks.Major

    • Color = Gray is stored as Run-Time Checks.Minor

    • Color = Orange is stored as Run-Time Checks.Moderate

    • Color = Green is stored as Run-Time Checks.Good

  • If Family equals Global Variable:

    • Color = Gray is stored as Global Variable.Unused variable

    • Color = Not Applicable is stored as Global Variable.Used non-shared variable

  • Family = MISRA-C is stored as MISRA-C Checker.Violations

8.7. BTC EmbeddedTester

MQC supports two types of Embedded Tester (ET) report formats:

8.7.1. Standard XML report format

If a standard XML report is created, MQC will read from the XML file:

  <ProfileInfo lastArchitectureUpdate="Wed Nov 07 16:32:55 CET 2018" lastB2BTestExecution="Sat Aug 11 08:44:00 CEST 2018" lastRBTSILTestExecution="Wed Nov 07 16:39:43 CET 2018" lasteModifier="mes" modelName="TestObject.slx" modelVersion="0.0.1+STD" profileName="UT_TestObject.epp"/>
    <Tests sumSILErrorExecutions="0" sumSILFailedExecutions="0" sumSILMissingExecutions="0" sumSILOutdatedExecutions="0" sumSILPassedExecutions="7" sumTestCases="7"/>
    <Requirements percentageSILPassedRequirements="100.0" sumRequirements="11" sumSILFailedRequirements="0" sumSILMissingOrOutdatedStatusRequirements="0" sumSILPassedRequirements="11"/>
      <Statement covered="77.33" handled="78.95" unknown="21.05" unreachable="1.62"/>
      <Decision covered="62.82" handled="65.38" unknown="34.62" unreachable="2.56"/>
      <MCDC covered="66.28" handled="68.6" unknown="31.4" unreachable="2.33"/>
    <Tests lastB2BTestName="TL MIL vs SIL" status="FAILED_ACCEPTED" sumErrorTests="0" sumFailedAcceptedTests="32" sumFailedTests="0" sumPassedTests="25" sumTests="57"/>
      <Statement covered="98.38" handled="100.0" unknown="0.0" unreachable="1.62"/>
      <Decision covered="97.44" handled="100.0" unknown="0.0" unreachable="2.56"/>
      <MCDC covered="97.67" handled="100.0" unknown="0.0" unreachable="2.33"/>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure, so that the imported data can be added to the ValueFact table as rows:

  • from the <ProfileInfo> header:

    • lastRBTSILTestExecution (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

    • modelName (stored in MQC as ArtifactName)

  • from the <RBTCoverageOverview> header:

    • MCDC covered (stored in MQC as Requirement Based Testing.MCDC)

  • from the <RBT> header:

    • percentageSILPassedRequirements (stored in MQC as Requirement Based Testing.Test coverage)

  • from the <BTB> header:

    • sumTests (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.Nb Total)

    • sumPassedTests (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.Passed)

    • sumFailedAcceptedTests (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.Failed Accepted)

    • sumFailedTests (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.Failed)

    • sumErrorTests (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.Error)

    • MCDC covered (stored in MQC as Structural Testing.MCDC)

8.7.2. MQC XML report format

If the MQC XML report is created, MQC is able to automatically import a great number of Base Measures:

  • Back-2-Back-Results with the following variables:

    • Errors

    • Failed

    • Failed (Accepted)

    • Passed

    • Total Vectors

  • Code Coverage - Condition Coverage with the following variables:

    • Covered

    • Handled

    • Tests

    • Unreachable (n/inf)

  • Code Coverage - Decision/Branch Coverage with the following variables:

    • Covered

    • Handled

    • Tests

    • Unreachable (n/inf)

  • Code Coverage - Modified Condition/Decision Coverage with the following variables:

    • Covered

    • Handled

    • Tests

    • Unreachable (n/inf)

  • Code Coverage - Statement Coverage with the following variables:

    • Covered

    • Handled

    • Tests

    • Unreachable (n/inf)

  • Requirements Coverage with the following variables:

    • Requirements

    • Requirements Covered

    • Requirements Fulfillment

  • Test Execution Results with the following variables:

    • Errors

    • Failed

    • Failed (Accepted)

    • Passed

    • Total Vectors

8.8. Verifysoft Testwell CTC++

MQC supports two types of Verifysoft Testwell CTC++ report formats:

8.8.1. Standard XML report format

MQC will read from the XML file:

    <copyright>Copyright (c) 1993-2013 Testwell Oy</copyright>
    <copyright>Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Verifysoft Technology GmbH</copyright>
    <report_generated>Fri Jun 05 15:22:09 2020</report_generated>
  <file name="D:\source\Application\DeviceLayer\test_object.cpp">
    <instrumentation_timestamp>Fri Jun 05 15:21:42 2020</instrumentation_timestamp>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure, so that the imported data can be added to the ValueFact table as rows:

  • from the <header_info> header:

    • <report_generated> (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

  • from each <file> header:

    • name (stored in MQC as ArtifactName)

    • from the <file_summary> header:

      • <lines> (stored in MQC as Source lines.count)

      • <measurement_points> (stored in MQC as Measurement points.count)

      • when both <xxx_hits> and <xxx_all> exist

        • <xxx_hits> (stored in MQC as xxx.Reached)

        • <xxx_all> (stored in MQC as xxx.Total)

8.8.2. Standard HTML report format

MQC will read from the HTML file:

    <title>CTC++ Coverage Report - Files Summary</title>
    <tr><td class="info">Symbol file(s)</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="info">c:\temp\Autopilot_ec\Test\Test_autopilot_demo_ec\Autopilot_Mode_Logic\Test001\TSeq001\CTCCov\Data_sil_ec\MON.sym (Thu May 21 05:35:10 2020)</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">Listing produced at</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="info">Thu May 21 05:44:18 2020</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">Coverage view</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="info">Reduced to decision coverage</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">Input listing</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="info">D:\temp\Autopilot_ec\Test\Test_autopilot_demo_ec\Autopilot_Mode_Logic\CTCCov\Data_sil_ec\profile.txt</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">HTML generated at</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="info">Thu May 21 05:44:18 2020</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">Structural threshold</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="infob">100 %</td></tr>
    <tr><td class="info">Statement threshold</td><td class="info">:</td><td class="infob">100 %</td></tr>
      <tr><th>TER %</th><th>-</th><th colspan="2">decision</th><th>TER %</th><th>-</th><th colspan="2">statement</th><th>File</th></tr>
      <tr><td class="dirb" colspan="9"><a name="a1"></a>Directory: C:\temp\Autopilot_ec\Test\Test_autopilot_demo_ec\Autopilot_Mode_Logic\Autopilot_Mode_Logic_sil_sil_ec_ert_rtw</td></tr>
      <tr><td class="below">98 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(41/42)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="98" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="2" height="5" alt=""></td><td class="below">99 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(86/87)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="99" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td><td><a href="indexD1.html" class="underline">Autopilot_Mode_Logic_sil_sil_ec.c</a></td></tr>
      <tr><td class="above">100 %</td><td class="above"></td><td class="above">(0/0)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="blue.gif" width="100" height="5" alt=""></td><td class="above">100 %</td><td class="above"></td><td class="above">(0/0)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="blue.gif" width="100" height="5" alt=""></td><td><a href="indexD2.html" class="underline">Autopilot_Mode_Logic_sil_sil_ec_data.c</a></td></tr>
      <tr><td class="belowb">98 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(41/42)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="98" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="2" height="5" alt=""></td><td class="belowb">99 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(86/87)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="99" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td><td class="dirb"><a title="C:\temp\R2018B\Autopilot_ec\Test\Test_autopilot_demo_ec\Autopilot_Mode_Logic\Autopilot_Mode_Logic_sil_sil_ec_ert_rtw">DIRECTORY OVERALL</a></td></tr>
      <tr><td class="ruler" colspan="9">&nbsp;</td></tr>
      <tr><td class="belowb">98 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(41/42)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="98" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="2" height="5" alt=""></td><td class="belowb">99 %</td><td class="below">-</td><td class="below">(86/87)</td><td width="115"><img border="1" src="red.gif" width="99" height="5" alt=""><img border="1" src="white.gif" width="1" height="5" alt=""></td><td><a href="indexO.html" class="underlineb">OVERALL</a></td></tr>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure, so that the imported data can be added to the ValueFact table as rows:

  • from the first <table> header:

    • read the last <td> of the <tr> with the first <td> equal to ‘Listing produced at’ (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

  • from the second <table> header:

    • from <thead> start from third <th> and every three <th> read as MeasureName.

    • from each <tr>:

      • read last <td> as <ArtifactName>

      • from <td> correspondent to <th> read values for that measure in such a way that the first number is fetch as Reached and second as Total variable. (e.g for second row in sample report above, (41/42) is read as decision.Reached = 41 and decision.Total = 42)


      In reading rows from second table we will ignore <tr> with just one <td> or has class=”dirb” or class=”ruler” or when last <td> is equal to “DIRECTORY OVERALL” or “OVERALL”.

8.9. Danlawinc MxSuite

MQC reads data from the XML file named Report.RegResults.xml:

    <StatisticsTotals Total="1" PercentTotal="100" Passed="0" PercentPassed="0" Failed="1" PercentFailed="100" Skipped="0" PercentSkipped="0" RunTimeError="0" PercentRunTimeError="0" Missing="0" PercentMissing="0">
      <Testcases Total="1" PercentTotal="100" Passed="0" PercentPassed="0" Failed="1" PercentFailed="100" Skipped="0" PercentSkipped="0" RunTimeError="0" PercentRunTimeError="0" Missing="0" PercentMissing="0" />

MQC reads out

  • from the <Report>

    • <Date> and <Time> (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

  • from each <Regression> header:

    • <Overview><Project><Name> (stored in MQC as ArtifactName)

    • from <StatisticsTotals> header:

      • Total (stored in MQC as Scenarios.Total)

      • Passed (stored in MQC as Scenarios.Passed)

      • Failed (stored in MQC as Scenarios.Failed)

      • Skipped (stored in MQC as Scenarios.Skipped)

      • RunTimeError (stored in MQC as Scenarios.RunTimeError)

      • Missing (stored in MQC as Scenarios.Missing)

    • from <Testcases> header:

      • Total (stored in MQC as Testcases.Total)

      • Passed (stored in MQC as Testcases.Passed)

      • Failed (stored in MQC as Testcases.Failed)

      • Skipped (stored in MQC as Testcases.Skipped)

      • RunTimeError (stored in MQC as Testcases.RunTimeError)

      • Missing (stored in MQC as Testcases.Missing)

8.10. SL Check Model Advisor

MQC reads from the HTML file:

<div class="ReportContent" id="Artifact">
  <table class="AdvTableNoBorder" width="100%" border="0">
      <td align="left" valign="top"><b>System: <font color="#800000">Artifact</font></b></td>
      <td align="right" valign="top"><b>Current run: <font color="#800000">22-Oct-2020 18:13:17</font></b></td>
  <b>Run Summary</b></font><br/>
  <table class="AdvTableNoBorder" width="60%" border="0">
      <th align="left" valign="top"><b>Pass</b></th>
      <th align="left" valign="top"><b>Fail</b></th>
      <th align="left" valign="top"><b>Warning</b></th>
      <th align="left" valign="top"><b>Not Run</b></th>
      <th align="left" valign="top"><b>Total</b></th>
      <td align="left" valign="top" >&#160;&#160;<img src="task_passed.png" /> 38</td>
      <td align="left" valign="top" >&#160;&#160;<img src="task_failed.png" /> 8</td>
      <td align="left" valign="top" >&#160;&#160;<img src="task_warning.png" /> 7</td>
      <td align="left" valign="top" >&#160;&#160;<img src="icon_task.png" /> 363</td>
      <td align="left" valign="top" >416</td>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure:

  • the ArtifactName from System:

  • the ReportDateTime from Current Run:

  • the complete Run Summary from the second table inside the <div class="ReportContent"> tag:

    • Pass as GuidelineCount.Passed

    • Fail as GuidelineCount.Failed

    • Warning as GuidelineCount.Warning

    • Not Run as GuidelineCount.Not Run

    • Total as GuidelineCount.Total

8.12. QA-System QAC

MQC supports two types of QA-System QAC report formats:

8.12.1. Standard XML report format

MQC will read from the XML file:

<AnalysisData timestamp="20200423T162554" projectpath="C:/Users/public/AppData/Local/samples/Examples" reportpath="C:/Users/public/AppData/Local/samples/Examples/configs/reports">
  <dataroot type="project">
    <tree type = "rules" >
      <RuleGroup name="xxx" total="5212" active="1112" >
        <Rule id = "" total="5" active="2" text="" >
          <Rule id = "" total="2" active="2" text="" >
            <Message guid = "" total="2" active="2" text="" />
        <Rule id = "" total="3" active="0" text="" >
          <Rule id = "" total="3" active="0" text="" >
            <Message guid = "" total="1" active="0" text="" />
            <Message guid = "" total="2" active="0" text="" />
  <dataroot type="per-file">
    <File path=".../example.h">
      <tree type="rules">
        <RuleGroup name = "xxx" total="84" active="53" >
          <Rule id="xxx" total="29" active="23" text="There shall be no occurrence of undefined or critical unspecified behaviour" >
            <Message guid = "qac-9.3.1-0602" total="6" active="0" text="" />
            <Message guid = "qac-9.3.1-0603" total="12" active="12" text="" />
            <Message guid = "qac-9.3.1-0836" total="1" active="1" text="" />
            <Message guid = "qac-9.3.1-0848" total="5" active="5" text="" />
            <Message guid = "qac-9.3.1-0854" total="5" active="5" text="" />
      <tree type="levels">
        <Level guid = "QA_WARNING" total="55" active="30" name="Warnings" ></Level>
        <Level guid = "QA_ERROR" total="2" active="2" name="Errors" ></Level>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure, so that the imported data can be added to the ValueFact table as rows:

  • from the <AnalysisData> header:

    • timestamp (stored in MQC as ReportDateTime)

  • from each <File> header inside <dataroot type="per-file">:

    • path (stored in MQC as ArtifactPath)

    • from the first <RuleGroup> inside <tree type="rules">:

      • total (stored in MQC as Violation Count.Total)

      • active (stored in MQC as Violation Count.Active)

    • for each <Level> inside <tree type="levels">:

      • read active if guid = “QA_WARNING” and stored in MQC as Active Diagnostics.WARNING

      • read active if guid = “QA_ERROR” and stored in MQC as Active Diagnostics.ERROR

      • read sum of both above and stored in MQC as Active Diagnostics.Active

    • From <tree type="rules"> header:

      • read number of <Rule> headers that contained just <Message> as child element with active=”0” and stored in MQC as Violated Rules.Violated

      • read number of <Rule> headers that contained just <Message> as child element and stored in MQC as Violated Rules.Total

    • From <tree type="rules"> inside <dataroot type="per-file"> header:

      • read number of <Rule> headers that contained just <Message> as child element with active=”0” and stored in MQC as Project Rules.Violated

      • read number of <Rule> headers that contained just <Message> as child element and stored in MQC as Project Rules.Total

8.12.2. Standard HTML report format

MQC will read from the HTML file:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <div id = "head" >
      <div class="stitle">Project &nbsp;&nbsp;: C:/Users/public/AppData/Local/Examples<br/> Status at: 23 Apr, 2019 at 16:25:13</div>
    <div class="head">
      <div class="toc">
        <li><a href="#DiagsPerParents">Diagnostics Per Parent Rules</a></li>
        <li><a href="#WorstRules">Most Violated Rules</a></li>
        <li><a href="#FileStatus">File Status</a></li>
        <li><a href="#AnalysisSettings">Analysis Settings</a></li>
        <li><a href="#StatCalc">Calculation Information</a></li>
        <br/>      <br/>      <br/>     </ol>
      <div class="summary">
       <table border="0">
        <col border="50"/>
        <tr><td>Number of Files</td><td>185</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Lines of Code (source files only)</td><td>16431</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Total preprocessed code line</td><td>3036</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Diagnostic Count</td><td>948</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Rule Violation Count</td><td>1212</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Violated Rules</td><td>183</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Compliant Rules</td><td>7</td></tr>
        <tr><td>File Compliance Index</td><td>97.41%</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Project Compliance Index</td><td>6.68%</td></tr>
   <div id="content">
     <div class="analstat">
       <table border="1" id="filestat" class="tablesorter">
           <tr><th>Files</th><th>Active Diagnostics</th><th>Violated Rules</th><th>Violation Count</th><th>Compliance Index</th></tr>
           <tr><td align="left"><a href="..\src\Example.c" title="..\src\Example.c">Example.c</a></td><td align="right">4</td><td align="right">1</td><td align="right">4</td><td align="right">99.42%</td></tr>

MQC extracts the following information, stores and transforms it to the MQC data structure, so that the imported data can be added to the ValueFact table as rows:

  • from <div class="stitle"> that contains ‘Status at:’ read date and time and stored in MQC as ReportDateTime

  • from <table id="filestat"> header:

    • from <thead> read <th> as MeasureName (just ignore first and last one).

    • from each <tr>:

      • read first <td> as <ArtifactName>

      • from <td> correspondent to <th> read values for that measure.

  • from <table> inside <div class="summary">:

    • read second <td> of <tr> that first is equal to ‘Violated Rules’ (stored in MQC as Project Rules.Violated)

    • read second <td> of <tr> that first is equal to ‘Compliant Rules’ (stored in MQC as Project Rules.Compliant)

8.13. Manual data import for unsupported data sources (Excel Template)

MQC provides the possibility to import data from any other data source using the manual import option.


All measures imported into MQC have to be configured in the Quality Model (see Base Measures and Default Values). Imported but not configured measures will be ignored in all visualizations as well as for the quality calculation.

The manual import has to be done using Excel. From the Data Sources dialog choose the Export Template (Manual Import) button to create an Excel import file that can be used to load data into MQC.


Figure 8.1 Export the excel template for using manual data import functionality

Select one of the following options to customize the data import template according to your needs:

  • All: The Excel file already contains a column for each measure configured in the quality model as well as one row for each artifact imported respectively configured in the project structure.

  • Filtered: The Excel file only contains those measures and artifacts selected via the filter panel on the right-hand side of the pages.

  • Marked: The Excel file only contains those measures and artifacts that were marked by the user, e.g. if the user have selected an artifact KPI and a specific data source KPI at the Data Status page, the file only contains a row for the marked artifact as well as only columns for measures belonging to the marked data source.


Figure 8.2 Sample file for manual import of two Base Measures for two Artifacts for the same revision

The column Artifact consists of entries representing the objects for which data shall be collected and for which quality shall be computed (e.g. Simulink models, requirements documents, software components).

The entries of the column ReportDateTime are considered by MQC as the days when raising the data, which shall be collected. Those configured report dates are used to assign the imported data to MQC revisions.

Finally, all other columns are representing measures for which data shall be imported into MQC. As shown in Figure 8.2, measures (i.e. the column names) have to follow the syntax DataSource.Measurement.BaseMeasure.Variable.

  • DataSource: Specify where your data is coming from (e.g. the name of the tool which produced the data).

  • Measurement: Provide more structuring regarding the data (e.g. the reason why data is collected, the test environment etc.). This is optional and may be left empty. In this case the measure name syntax is DataSource.BaseMeasure.Variable. Nevertheless, it is recommended to fill out Measurement to achieve a high compliance to ISO 250xx.

  • BaseMeasure: Specifies a group of measures.

  • Variable: The name of the specific measure belonging to the base measure group.

The value for a specific measure for an artifact at a certain report date then has to be assigned to the corresponding cell within the Excel template.

In case you might want to assign default values for your imported base measures, you have to define them in compliance with this syntax within the Quality Model Base Measure excel sheet (see Figure 12.1).


The manual data import supports .xls files, in addition to .xlsx files, and multiple sheets starting from MQC 4.3.